Tuesday, November 3, 2009

They all make it sound so easy

I just had lunch with a friend. In between bites of two juicy, greasy burgers we had a semi-serious discussion about a lot of self-help books, CDs, internet sites etc...One thing that strikes me about all of them, and I have read many, is how simple they make everything sound.

I was just reading one "self-improvement" guru site that gives 10 reasons why getting a job is bad. He sounded as if he is of the firm opinion that we should all work for ourselves. Yea sounds great, but reality has to set in sometimes and give a slap in the face. Like who is going to help at the gym you talked about going to on your blog? Who is going to serve you your latte? Get real. Has he seen the unemployment, foreclosure and bankruptcy rates lately?

Face it, in a perfect world we could all do what he does and earn what he earns. (which is way to much for his advice) In reality it just does not happen. The best scenario is you can quit your job and work for yourself. The reality is very few people make it to that point. It is the same as being a professional athlete the reality is it is one in 1,000,000 that makes it.

The truth is life is not that easy. If we believe it is as simple as think positive or quit your job and work for yourself we will be disappointed (and probably broke). Everything about life has both rewards and consequences. It is how we deal with both that makes life either rewarding or disapointing. Although thinking positive and working for yourself has much to do with it, it is not all inclusive.

The truth is life is not easy, it takes work. Anyone selling you something that contradicts that is just selling you something!