Monday, July 12, 2010


It's been a while I know. Not that anybody is reading, but hey, it helps me. Who cares about the rest of you :)

My new topic is divorce. My next one will be being single. Right now I cannot imagine either being any good. The though of a 20 year relationship ending seems like it would be liberating. But it's not. It's depressing.

I guess there is a new trend in divorce. Old people, married for decades, are now divorcing t a pretty quick rate. Those "till death us do part, love, honor and cherish vows" are crap to most people. The latest trend is also that women are now asking for divorce. Affairs, freedom, growing apart are the newest buzz words in divorce court. Well the affair one is pretty old!

So much to think about. Kids, splitting property, finding new living arrangements. It's a bit overwhelming.

I have noticed one thing though. There is very little out there directed at men for divorce "care" I guess it's another double standard we just have to live with..or in this case, live without.

1 comment:

  1. Shawn:

    DivorceCare groups take a very balanced approach to the needs of both men and women. You can find one near you at

